Monday, August 10, 2009

Getting Blog Updates By Email

Hey all just a quick tidbit of info i found:

If your anything like me its really hard to remember to regularly check the blog in the busyness of everyday life which is why I was excited to find that the blog can be set to send you an email when a post is made. Now I don't yet know if it will let you know if a comment is left on a past post but I know it emails you when a new post is made cause I just received an email telling me Ross posted.

To set it up just go "Customize" (top right corner), "Settings", click the tab "Email & Mobile" and type in you email, then click save settings down the bottom of the page.

Hope this helps and makes sense considering how heavy my eyelids currently feel.


  1. Thanks for the that.

    The strange thing is i cant get it to work!
    I cant see the 'customise' tag.
    the weird thing is i can see it on my other blogs.
    this might be because you set up the blog.

    you may have to add all our email addresses....

  2. Ahh ok well if anyone else would like their email address added just post here and I will add it. I would add everyone's but if your good at checking this regularly getting emails you don't need would just add to the spam, so I will only add people who ask me to starting with Ross.

  3. Yes please Michael! Add me! (I also can't see a customize tab.)
    Wonderful. Thanks.
