Monday, October 5, 2009

Hey all i'm sure we are all thrilled to be back from our, not so "mid" semester, "break" from lectures (at a cost of doubling our workload for the week).

That said I was able to catch up on a little bit of sleep and fit in a small social life.

Sadly this post is not going to be filled with to much content from out text as I managed to leave at home when scrambling out the door for my 8am lecture. This means I wont be able to finish the last part of my reading before the discussion (even google couldn't find a pdf copy for me) but has meant I have time free to do some blogging.

I find the content in this chapter interesting but have come across the majority of the concepts before. This leaves me with calculations and proofs for the concepts for new material which I personally, don't find very stimulating. Ironically most of the applications which I often find more interesting are in the second half of the chapter.

I'm not sure if this is covered in the chapter but I'm a bit confused as to the relation between energy and so called "calculation". By this I mean is there a direct measurable energy cost for our brain creating/calculating information. Of course the process itself is taking energy but in a physical sense is this all being dispersed as an increase in the kinetic energy of the ions traveling across the membrane and a decrease in entropy as the gradient across the membrane is reduced. Does this come back to our earlier discussion of so called "high quality energy"?

Tried to google these ideas but was getting nowhere quick so I will probably have to refine my search. Anyway I just noticed the time so even though none or you will read this before it happens see u in 2 minutes! =P


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