Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tuesday Meeting?

Hi all,

Ross says that 20th November should be possible for the exam - he says he can start us off at 10 (and have the exam run 10am - 12pm). Is this still ok for everyone?

Also - do we still want to have a session on Tuesday? If so, maybe we should do any of the marking and peer evaluation things that we still have left to do and bring them on Tuesday so we can get all the rest of the assessment except for the exam all finished up and finalised.



  1. i think a session on tuesday to wrap up details would be good.
    i will be there.

  2. Yeah I'll come in as well just to finalise everything.

  3. I'm sorry I missed this morning. Nov 20 at 10 am is good for me!

  4. Missed this - I thought we were no longer using this weblog. (Did we get an e-mail about it?) How did the session go, and what did was covered?

  5. Hi Tomas. We agreed we were still going to use the blog for the time being as far as I knew (though not necessarily for assessment). We discussed that in the tutorial last week.

    During the session I just filled Ross in on where we were at and what he'd missed. We didn't 'cover' anything, so to speak.

  6. Ta - I must have misunderstood our decision. I do recall us discussing whether or not to have a tute, but didn't think to check here for announcements.

    Glad to hear I didn't miss anything. If this place is still in use, I may even put something up next week to (potentially) facilitate revision-checking..
